Thursday 20 June 2013

Stingrays Info Report


Stingrays live from 15 to 25 years and can be found in tropical and temperate seas worldwide. There is lots of information about stingrays like looks, diet, attack and miscellaneous.


Stingrays are flat so they can hide under the sand easily. Stingrays are large, flat, grey fish with round "wings" on each side. These wings don't let the stingray fly, but glide through the water. Stingrays mouths are underneath their bodies with their stomach and gills. Their eyes are on the sides of their heads and their spine runs down through their back into their tail.


Stingrays main diet is small fish, but they also eat a lot of molluscs and crustaceans like oysters, Pipi, cockles and mussels. Stingrays usually hide in the sand and catch the enemy by surprise, but only for fish!


The way a stingray kills its enemy is by paralysing them with the sting in their tail. They also whip with their tail because of its amazing strength against other creatures. Even though stingrays may seem dangerous they won't actually attack a human without being provoked.


Other facts include stingray is often served grilled in Singapore and Malaysia. In some countries stingray is known as whipray because before World war 2, people cut off stingrays tail and used it to whip slaves, but it was later banned.



Stingrays live in tropical and temperate seas all over the world and have a lifespan of 15 to 25 years.


By Hunter


  1. WOW! fascinating info report Hunter (AKA employee of the feedback cafe)

  2. Great job Hunter. I really liked the way it was descriptive and very creative. Keep it up!!!
