Monday, 21 October 2013

Maori Colours - Play on words...Quite punny indeed.

By Brianna and Hunter

The Te Reo Files Ep01

- Produced, directed and created by Camlyn Allen and Sarah Braid -

Calendar Art = Inspiration Boards...What inspires you? What motivates you? What is your passion? - great place to start

Inspiration boards allow us to share our passion with others. It also helps us stay positive and have something to reflect on when we need to be inspired and self motivated. Going on to Intermediate School, we need to make sure we continue to follow our dreams and stay INSPIRED! So begin your internet search for images, quotes and even an old photo of you doing something you LOVE, to create an inspirational board collage as this year's calendar art.

Start bringing in your inspirations NOW :-)

Miss Sauerbier