Monday, 11 March 2013

The Cup Song


this is a video of the original cup song from pitch perfect. We have been doing the cup song in room 6 and now most of us can do it. So if you want to try just watch this video clip and you will learn it

by Sarah

Famous Dancers


Anna Pavlova-Russian Ballet dancer.

Michael Jackson-American All round dancer.

Sammy Davis-American tap dancer.

Martha Graham-American modern dancer.

Ruldolf Nureyev-Russian ballet dancer(known as the best male ballet dancer in 1960’s and 1970’s.

Mikhail Baryshnikov-Russian ballet dancer(known as the best male ballet dancer living).

By Sarah

My Passion Project

Recently Room 6 had to do a project on our passions called “Passion Projects”.
We could present it in any way we liked and I decided to do mine on a Science Board.
I did it on snorkelling and to show you what it looks like here are some pictures.

I hoped you like my Passion Project pictures.

By Kara

Sunday, 10 March 2013

My Passion Project Gymnastics

I did my passion project on gymnastics because it is one of my passions. I train 28 hours a week and still never get sick of it. But i get tired from a 6 hour train on Saturdays. And that is every Saturday. I train 4 and 1/2 every other day. I started to do gymnastics when my sister was doing cart wheels around the house. I never stopped copying her.My first competition overseas was in 2011. I was really nervous because i had never been overseas before. I was so proud i came first overall. Last year i came third overall and was really impressed about that.

By Alyssa

Thursday, 7 March 2013

angel's passion project

Here is my Passion Project!

This is my Passion Project!
The images are supposed to be connected together to make a booklet.

By Catherine




Links to Thinking/Maths Games

By Catherine

Sounds of Silence

Sounds of silence

Can you hear the grass, dancing in the breeze?
Can you hear a pebble, sinking in the water?
Have you heard a butterfly, floating in the breeze?
Have you heard the buzz of a ladybird's wings, skimming across the air?

No, these are the sounds of silence.

By Catherine C

Camlyn Allen