Monday, 21 October 2013

Maori Colours - Play on words...Quite punny indeed.

By Brianna and Hunter

The Te Reo Files Ep01

- Produced, directed and created by Camlyn Allen and Sarah Braid -

Calendar Art = Inspiration Boards...What inspires you? What motivates you? What is your passion? - great place to start

Inspiration boards allow us to share our passion with others. It also helps us stay positive and have something to reflect on when we need to be inspired and self motivated. Going on to Intermediate School, we need to make sure we continue to follow our dreams and stay INSPIRED! So begin your internet search for images, quotes and even an old photo of you doing something you LOVE, to create an inspirational board collage as this year's calendar art.

Start bringing in your inspirations NOW :-)

Miss Sauerbier

Monday, 2 September 2013

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Stingrays Info Report


Stingrays live from 15 to 25 years and can be found in tropical and temperate seas worldwide. There is lots of information about stingrays like looks, diet, attack and miscellaneous.


Stingrays are flat so they can hide under the sand easily. Stingrays are large, flat, grey fish with round "wings" on each side. These wings don't let the stingray fly, but glide through the water. Stingrays mouths are underneath their bodies with their stomach and gills. Their eyes are on the sides of their heads and their spine runs down through their back into their tail.


Stingrays main diet is small fish, but they also eat a lot of molluscs and crustaceans like oysters, Pipi, cockles and mussels. Stingrays usually hide in the sand and catch the enemy by surprise, but only for fish!


The way a stingray kills its enemy is by paralysing them with the sting in their tail. They also whip with their tail because of its amazing strength against other creatures. Even though stingrays may seem dangerous they won't actually attack a human without being provoked.


Other facts include stingray is often served grilled in Singapore and Malaysia. In some countries stingray is known as whipray because before World war 2, people cut off stingrays tail and used it to whip slaves, but it was later banned.



Stingrays live in tropical and temperate seas all over the world and have a lifespan of 15 to 25 years.


By Hunter

Mitchell, Peter and Ellyse's Reading Assignment

Tuesday, 18 June 2013


This is my info report on Seahorses
By Amy Slogrove

Benjamin Greasley - Trinity Winter Cub Camp

It was the most fun camp ever because we got to sleep in the cabin.
On Friday night my Dad drove me to Camp Rutherford in Whitford for cub camp.  When I got there I put my stuff on a bed and then all hell broke lose.  I noticed how everyone was jumping on each other.  I ran to my friends and retreated.
I went to bed after a hot chocolate and didn't get to sleep until 2am because everyone was awake and talking.
The next morning I woke up at about 5am when everyone was still talking.  We had breakfast - toast - and then we went to do our daily activities which was hiking/walking around wet lands and playing soccer.
That night we did skits. I was used as one of the props - sadly.  Now I was being tormented by being the messiest eater in cubs. 
Everyone was more tired that night and I had a better sleep - went to bed at about 11am.
I woke up the next morning 6am and there were only a few people talking.  Then after an hour all hell broke lose again.
My Dad came to pick me up and I went home happily.
By Benjamin

INFO report Dolphins

Dolphins are very large aquatic mammals. They are very playful mammals that can live in Atlantic sea water, India’s sea water, Pacific Ocean and Mediterrean. They are sea mammals that like to be companied by humans. They sometimes swim in groups over 1000 dolphins.

Dolphins eat fish like herring, cod and mackerel. Some other dolphins eat squid. Large other dolphins eat squid. Large dolphins may eat other marine animals such as sea lions, turtles, large squid, walruses, seals, sharks, sea birds and even whales. Some other dolphins eat plankton and krill.

Dolphins habitat can be found all around the world. They can be found in many seas around the world. It depends on the species as where you might find them. They also live along the coastline and sometimes off shore. The bottlenose dolphin is very common as it can be found nearly everywhere.

Different dolphins have different behaviors. Some dolphins sometimes ride on waves or sometimes go along sides of boats. Dolphins love to play with humans and some dolphins love to play around on waves and some love jumping. Dolphins have been seen jumping up to 4.9 meters. Dolphins are creatures that if you are fishing they would come to the edge of the boat and would want you to play with you.

Dolphins have tails at the back of their body. Dolphins also have a fin in the middle of their body. It is instead of legs. At the front of them they have a beak and in the dolphins mouth there are pointed teeth. Dolphins also have two brains. Also they have very silky skin from being in the water. Their teeth are quite pointy so they can eat their food depending on how big or small the food is.

There is 41 species of dolphins. some of the dolphins are, long beaked common dolphin, short beaked common dolphin, bottlenose dolphin, indo pacific bottlenose dolphin, northern right whale dolphin, southern right whale dolphin and many, many more.

Dolphins are mammals that are very playful. They belong to a family of marine mammals known as cetaceans. They love company of humans.
By Alyssa

Saturday, 15 June 2013


This month i did my information report on seahoses.
Fun Fact: Did you know that when seahorses are threatened they wil camoflouge into their surroundings!

By: Camlyn Allen

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Ted's Friend

This is my friend, she loves pancakes, waffles, orange juice, jumping and my list goes on. I made her from wool and buttons. If you would like to make one like I did, here are the instructions.

You will need:
•             Wool (choose colours you want to make friend in)
•             Buttons x 3
•             Darning needle or crochet hook
•             knitting needles (size 4.5mm)
•             filling (e.g pillow stuffing)


1.Using wool and needles, cast on 16 stitches. Knit 62 rows, then cast off. (rows can vary.)

2.Now for the arms cast on 5 stitches, knit 16 rows, cast off, repeat process to get two  same size arms (vary depending on body)

3.Cast on 5 stitches, knit 30 rows, cast off. Repeat process to get two even legs (vary depending on arms and body)

4.Use darning needle/crochet hook to sew body up, folding body in half (length wise) sew three seams, before closing last seam stuff with filling. Place buttons on to make eyes and nose. Place arms and legs on to complete your special friend.

By: Aleisha

What did we learn about being a good digital citizen? Comment your answers!

Saturday, 27 April 2013

2 Green Kiwi's

Aleisha and I created this blog because we would like to use more than one aspect of the environmental inquiry. The blog we created is about how we can save the environment with recycling, and to put a stop to our deteriorating ozone layer. 

Click the link below!

Aleisha and Paige 

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Global Warming

Here it is, the video we have all been waiting for! 
Well done to Luke, Adam, Peter, Catherine, Tom and Mitchell! 
Go Room 6, you rock my socks off!

Your turn to post now! Or leave comments on the Blog!

Hope you're enjoying your holidays :-)

Stay safe! 
Miss S 

Monday, 15 April 2013

Natasha, Brianna and Ellyse's Inquiry

Ellyse, Natasha and Brianna decided to choose to do their inquiry project on a website called webnode. It is a website that creates other websites. We have done it all about global warming and trees. There is a youtube clip link at the bottom of the homepage all about how we can save trees with reducing how much paper you use. There are a lot of pictures about how the earth feels with all of this global warming or "greenhouse effect" going on. Please add a quality comment for what we can do next time we make a website or next time we do a presentation.
Brianna, Ellyse and Natasha

Monday, 11 March 2013

The Cup Song


this is a video of the original cup song from pitch perfect. We have been doing the cup song in room 6 and now most of us can do it. So if you want to try just watch this video clip and you will learn it

by Sarah

Famous Dancers


Anna Pavlova-Russian Ballet dancer.

Michael Jackson-American All round dancer.

Sammy Davis-American tap dancer.

Martha Graham-American modern dancer.

Ruldolf Nureyev-Russian ballet dancer(known as the best male ballet dancer in 1960’s and 1970’s.

Mikhail Baryshnikov-Russian ballet dancer(known as the best male ballet dancer living).

By Sarah

My Passion Project

Recently Room 6 had to do a project on our passions called “Passion Projects”.
We could present it in any way we liked and I decided to do mine on a Science Board.
I did it on snorkelling and to show you what it looks like here are some pictures.

I hoped you like my Passion Project pictures.

By Kara

Sunday, 10 March 2013

My Passion Project Gymnastics

I did my passion project on gymnastics because it is one of my passions. I train 28 hours a week and still never get sick of it. But i get tired from a 6 hour train on Saturdays. And that is every Saturday. I train 4 and 1/2 every other day. I started to do gymnastics when my sister was doing cart wheels around the house. I never stopped copying her.My first competition overseas was in 2011. I was really nervous because i had never been overseas before. I was so proud i came first overall. Last year i came third overall and was really impressed about that.

By Alyssa